Collection 15: Articles mentioning “humanities” or “literature” from ProQuest’s Ethnic NewsWatch and GenderWatch

A collection of word-frequency and other data representing 835 unique articles mentioning “humanities” or “literature” (no duplicate or close-variant documents) published mostly during 2016, 2018, and 2019 in 109 U.S. news sources gathered in ProQuest’s Ethnic NewsWatch (“ethnic and minority press”) and GenderWatch (sources gathered for “gender and women's studies, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender [GLBT] research”). WE1S and other researchers use this data to look for broad patterns and to help guide closer study.

The top 25 news sources in Collection 15 (ordered by number of articles in descending order) are: Diverse Issues In Higher Education, Forward New York, Philadelphia Tribune, The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, Mississippi Link, India West, Russian Life, Irish America, Moment, Islamic Horizons, India Abroad, Jackson Advocate, Lilith New York, El Chicano Weekly, Diva London, The Finnish American Reporter, German Life, Sho-Ban News, La Prensa San Diego, Los Angeles Sentinel, Washington Informer, The Skanner Seattle and Portland Combined Edition, Windy City Times, The Jewish Press, Hinduism Today. (Full sources and counts are available as a csv file in the Collection Dataset.)

Suggested Citation

WhatEvery1Says (WE1S) Project. (June 27, 2019), Collection 15: Articles mentioning “humanities” or “literature” from ProQuest’s Ethnic NewsWatch and GenderWatch. Zenodo. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4925152.

Collection Metadata

Topic Models of This Collection

Model Family 1 (created June 27, 2019): models for 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 topics

Visualizations for this model family:

10 topics 25 topics 50 topics 75 topics 100 topics

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This start page for the collection last revised: June 10, 2021